Field Trips

Zing Zumm Children's Museum Field Trips
We have Field trip availability Monday-Friday 9am-2pm. We require larger groups (over 50) to schedule Monday (or Tuesday Mornings in the Spring) when we are closed to the public.
  • Enjoy a self-guided tour for 2 hours.
  • Perfect for Preschool – 5th grade. Our hands-on exhibits appeal to a wide variety of ages from ~2-10 years old.
  • The cost is $6 per student, chaperone, or parent with a minimum of 20 paid guests.
  • Educators (must show ID) are free with a group of 20.
  • We require 1 chaperone per 5 children.
  • STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, & math) programs are available upon request at no additional cost. When booking your trip, select STEAM Program on the request form and our educator will reach out to you prior to your visit. Our programs can align with your current curriculum or we can select an age-appropriate program for you! Program questions can be sent to
  • For general booking questions, please contact us at

Educator's Field Trip Guide

Book Your Field Trip

Check out our calendar of open dates. We look forward to seeing you!

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