Become a Member
Membership Pricing & Fees
Memberships are valid for one year and are nonrefundable and nontransferable.
Family Membership
Unlimited visits for two adults and children in household for 12 months
Early registration for special events and programming
10% off birthday parties and day camps
Accompanying guest rate of $5+ tax (up to 4 guests per visit)
Add a caregiver to your membership for an additional $50
Membership Registration
*Plus tax
"Welcome Home" Membership**
Realtors Only
Personalized (for agency/agent) membership certificates to gift to clients
Ability to purchase in bulk to have on hand
Unlimited visits for clients' families (2 adults and all children in the household) for 3 months
Client can upgrade membership to annual membership for 5% discount
Contact Us
*Plus tax
**Welcome Home memberships are available for purchase by Realtors and Realty agencies ONLY. Contact us for purchasing details.
**Welcome Home memberships are available for purchase by Realtors and Realty agencies ONLY. Contact us for purchasing details.
Summer Fun Membership
Only Available During Summer Months
Unlimited visits for two adults and children in household for specifed time
No black out dates
Summer Fun Memberships can upgrade to Family Memberships with a 5% discount at the end of the term
Membership Registration
*Plus tax